Compliance Statement and Code of Ethics

The Azorna Healthcare Code of Ethics is to be used as a guide if you are confronted with a situation that raises questions about ethical business conduct. If you think a law, policy or our Code of Ethics is not being followed, you must report it to our Compliance Department. You should also report it to your supervisor. If you feel uneasy talking to your supervisor, voice your concern to the next supervisory level, up to and including the highest level of management.

Azorna Hospice encourages open and honest discussion of issues with management. We are committed to providing an environment that allows reporting in good faith without fear of retaliation. You can report compliance concerns to the Compliance Department in one of the following ways:

  1. Contact the Executive Director directly by calling (480) 637-4100
  2. Email your concern to [email protected]
  3. Call our Compliance Hotline at (480) 561-5699 (Including Anonymous Reports)

If you report a compliance concern, be sure to include information that our Compliance Department will need to follow up, such as the location where your concern occurred or is occurring (for example, the facility name and department), the date or dates of any incident, the names and job roles of individuals involved in the concern, a description of your concern and your name if you are comfortable letting us know. If you are not comfortable leaving your name, you may make an anonymous report by calling the Hotline number above.

Anyone making such a report is assured that it will be treated as confidential and will be shared with others only on a need-to-know basis. The findings of a compliance investigation are confidential to protect all involved in the investigation process. As a result, details and specific findings of a compliance investigation will be shared only on a need-to-know basis. The Chief Compliance Officer ensures that all reports will be thoroughly and fairly investigated and that appropriate action will be taken.

Compliance Hotline (24 hours)
(480) 561-5699

Quality Statement

Azorna Hospice has adopted the quality measures produced in part by the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization (NHPCO). As part of our Hospice Quality Reporting Program (HQRP), we utilize the Hospice Item Set (HIS) for tracking specific measures and outcomes pertaining to quality and safety.

Patient Safety Statement

We are committed to patient safety and providing quality healthcare, and we choose to follow standards set by Accreditation Organizations that exceed Federal/State regulations.

Pricing Transparency Statement

We are committed to supporting healthcare price transparency by providing you with information you need to understand the costs of care and make informed decisions. Azorna Healthcare bills under the Phoenix-Mesa-Scottsdale CBSA Area code 38060. Fiscal Year 2023: Routine: $159.31-201.59/day; Continuous Care $60.32/hour; Respite $469.85/day; and General Inpatient Care $1,059.12/day.

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Azorna Hospice and Palliative Care
2919 S Ellsworth Rd Ste 129
Mesa, AZ 85212-2167
Tel (480) 637-4100

Azorna Hospice and Palliative Care does not discriminate in access to its services based on race, color, nation origin, sex, age, or disability. Language assistance is available free of charge. Copyright © 2023 Azorna Healthcare LLC. All rights reserved.